Often times relationships are viewed as “black markets”. That you never know your partner fully until after marriage. It is also an established fact that there would always be personality differences no matter how similar you and your spouse may be. However, research has it that some particular personality types do better together while some don’t. its of immense importance to us that we should know and understand our differences before embarking on a lifelong journey.
Summary of what each personality (using MBTI) is like
ESTJ indicates Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. ESTJs are sometimes referred to as Supervisor personalities because they tend to take charge and make sure things are done correctly. They are excellent administrators and unsurpassed at managing people.
Strength: integrity, stewardship, commitment, organization and efficiency
Weakness: judgmental, workaholic, stubborn and inflexible
ESFP indicates Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling and perceiving. ESFPs are sometimes referred to as Performer personalities because of their playful, energetic nature. Life is never boring around them. They are spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic entertainers.
Strength: supportive, bold and positive vibes
Weakness: sensitive, easily bored, poor long-term focus and conflict avoidance
ESFJ indicates Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling and Judging. ESFJs are sometimes referred to as Provider personalities because of their interest in taking care of others. They are social and popular people and always eager to help.
Strength: warm, loyal, dutiful and have strong practical skills
Weakness: rigid, judgmental, needy and lack creative thinking
ESTP indicates Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking and perceiving. ESTPs are sometimes referred to as Dynamo personalities because of their high-energy, active approach to life. They are smart, energetic and enjoy living on the edge.
Strength: direct, sociable and bold
Weakness; judgmental, impatient, unstructured and commitment-phobic.
ENFJ indicates Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging. They are sometimes referred to as Teacher personalities because of their interest in helping others develop and grow. They are charismatic and inspiring leaders able to mesmerize their listeners.
Strength: peacemaking, communication, persuasiveness and leadership
Weakness: overcommitment, too selfless, struggle to make tough decisions
ENTP indicates Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. They are sometimes referred to as Visionary personalities because of their passion for new, innovative ideas. They are smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.
Strength: fearlessness, innovation, adaptability and confidence
Weakness: procrastination, breaking norms, impracticality
ENTJ indicates Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging. ENTJs are sometimes referred to as Commander personalities because of their innate drive to lead others. They are bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way or making one.
Strength: strong-willed, efficient, strategic thinking
Weakness: blunt, dominant, intolerant, arrogant and poor handling of emotions
ENFP indicates Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling and Perceiving The ENFP personality type is also called the “Champion” because of this type’s enthusiasm for helping others realize their dreams. They are enthusiastic, creative, sociable and free spirited who can always find a reason to smile.
Strength: born leaders, imaginative, good communicators
Weakness: overthink things, hypersensitive, lack of focus and follow through and approval seeking
INFP indicates Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling and Perceiving. The INFP personality type is also called the “Healer” because of their sympathetic idealism and gentle compassion for other people. They poetic, kind, altruistic and always eager to help a good cause.
Strength: dedication, integrity, compromise and idealism
Weakness: vulnerability, impracticality, selflessness, sensitivity
INFJ indicates Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling and Judging. The INFJ personality type is also called the “Counselor” because of their tendency to be idealistic, compassionate, and sensitive. They are quiet and mystical, and are tireless idealists.
Strength: practical insight, compassionate, decisiveness and peace mediators
Weakness: overlooking details, very private, conflict aversive and sensitive.
INTJ indicates Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking and Judging. They enjoy logical reasoning and complex problem-solving. They approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are typically focused inward, on their own thoughtful study of the world around them. They are also known as the “Mastermind”.
Strength: strategy, innovation, determination and willingness to learn
Weakness: perfectionism, emotional distance and superiority complex
INTP indicates Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking and Percieving. They are detached, analytical observers who can seem oblivious to the world around them because they are so deeply absorbed in thought. They spend much of their time in their own heads: exploring concepts, making connections, and seeking understanding of how things work. They have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. They are sometimes called the “Architect”.
Strength: analytically brilliant, objective, imaginative and enthusiastic
Weakness: absent mindedness, insensitivity, uncertainty
ISFJ indicates Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. They are conventional and grounded, and enjoy contributing to established structures of society. They are steady and committed workers with a deep sense of responsibility to others. They focus on fulfilling their duties, particularly when they are taking care of the needs of other people. They want others to know that they are reliable and can be trusted to do what is expected of them. They are conscientious and methodical, and persist until the job is done. They are also known as the “Protector”.
Strength: honest, practical, supportive and hardworking
Weakness: change resistant, overly altruistic and very private
ISFP indicates Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving. ISFPs are sometimes referred to as Composer personalities because of their innate sensibility for creating aesthetically pleasing experiences. They are flexible and charming artsists and are always ready to explore something new
Strength: observant, principled, bold and spontaneous
Weakness: overly sensitive, indecisive, easily bored and lack of future planning.
ISTJ indicates Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. ISTJs are sometimes referred to as “Inspector” personalities because of their focus on details and interest in doing things correctly. They are fact-minded individuals whose reliability cannot be doubted.
Strength: great planner, detail-oriented and loyal
Weakness: stubborn, tactless and resistant to change
ISTP indicates Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving. ISTPs are sometimes referred to as “Craftspersons” because they typically have an innate mechanical ability and facility with tools. They are bold and practical experimenters and masters of all kinds of tools.
Strength: practical, creative, problem solvers and flexible
Weakness: insensitive, risk seeking behavior, impatient and reserved.
Mrs. A and her husband, after educating them on personality differences and impact on relationships, were asked to take a standardized personality test i.e. the MBTI- Myer Briggs Test Indicator which revealed that Mrs. A is an INFP while her husband is an INTJ. Although they were similar on the level of being introverted and iNtuitive, Mrs. A is a feeler and perceiver who prefers decisions that are consistent with her values and help to build harmonious relationships. She also prefers an open-ended, spontaneous and flexible existence and likes to feel that her options are open with many possibilities available. Mr. A is a thinker and judger who prefers decisions that are based on facts or data, and likes to reason things out logically. He also prefers structure, schedules, and plan with clear expectations and feeling of accomplishment from completing tasks. Establishing these differences brought a deeper understanding to the couple and they were worked through on how to meet in the middle and how to have effective communication.
Need help to work things out in your marriage/relationship?
Contact us @diamondmoor.com.ng or 081 2827 6962, +234 2291 4084 to book an appointment with a licensed Marriage therapist.